Natural Skin Care and Beauty

Posted by Skintox Co on

Tried and true natural skin and beauty treatments  that are super easy, cheap and most importantly chemical-free.



Extra-virgin olive oil:

Has amazing moisturising properties and prevent split ends.  Apply everywhere except your roots.  After leaving in the hair for a while massage shampoo through your hair whilst its still dry and jump in the shower to remove.

Rosemary oil

Use rosemary oil on the roots to promote growth.  Wash out the same as the extra virgin olive oil.


A supplement that contains silica, will improve the strength and shine of your hair. 

Daily brushing

Brush your hair every day from the roots to the tip to promote hair growth.




Hydration is the key to healthy skin


A little sunshine will provide a healthy glow and boost your vitamin D levels.  If in the sun for prolonged periods look for a high SPF product. 

Coconut Oil

Use a small amount of coconut oil on your face and neck for a natural moisturiser


Foods high in natural fats are your skins best friends ; raw nuts, seeds, avocado , deep-sea fish and even eggs! 

Essential for glowing radiant skin, antioxidants can be found in berries and brightly coloured fruits



 Body Scrubs

Sugar, coffee or Epsom salt scrubs are fantastic to get rid of cellulite

Coconut Oil

Naturally moisturising, its great to use coconut oil after a day at the beach.


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